When Nylon was the Only Choice for Lingerie

66a8ff7606427c0b475a50fdb862ed2dSexier Than Silk: The Irresistible Allure of the Nylon Slip   http://www.etsy.com/people/thebaroqueprincess

Slip of a Girl: I’ve always had a strong interest in lingerie from the feminist point of view, when it comes to reconciling the desire to feel pretty with the concern that fashion is a way of controlling women. And lingerie, which is slightly different from just underwear, is some of the most sensual fashion out there. The pieces enhance your figure, and they delicately hide and tease your playful bits. If you look at nightgowns from the ’40s, or even as early as the ’20s, you see they’re sheer in places and pin tucked, pleated, or embroidered. They were not meant simply to clothe our bodies at nighttime; they were meant to be seen! 

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